OUR WHY: This is the reason and purpose for the existence of our church.
OUR HOW: These are the foundations and filters by which we do everything. When believed and applied we will see our Why become a reality.
OUR WHAT: These are the specific activities we put in place to help bring our How to life.


"Your Kingdom come, your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven."
Matthew 6:10
We build a Supernatural culture upon God's presence; for it is His presence which causes us to live in love, health, honour and power as we introduce the world to Jesus every day.
Presence is our UP…. It’s our love for God, it’s us looking up, looking at Him, it’s us lifting our heads, it’s us focusing and fixing our eyes upon Him, it’s our worship, our praise, our passion and our thanksgiving, it’s us knowing we can always approach Him with freedom and confidence, it’s our face to face encounters with Him, it’s us placing value, honour and worth upon Him, it’s our personal pursuit of Him, it’s us truly knowing Him, it’s our relationship and connection with Him, it’s our Intimacy and abiding, it’s our secret place and it’s our every place, it’s us spending time with Him and it’s us continually turning our affection toward Him, it’s our communication with Him, it’s our spiritual side, our immaterial side, the part that connects with Him, it’s spirit to spirit, and it’s our fellowship with Him, it’s us experiencing Him, it’s how we develop our relationship and history with Him, it is our anchor, our source, our everything.
Health is our IN…. It’s our inner world, our character, the hidden part of us, the part that
no one sees, it’s our identity, our transformation, our renewed mind, our belief system, our
spiritual growth and maturity, it’s where the fruits of the spirit develop, where we deal with our list of struggles, it’s our processing and our perseverance, it’s us being self-aware and managing what is going on inside of us, it’s being aware of our emotional health, it’s knowing what we need from our relationships, knowing how we are truly feeling in our relationship with God and with people, it’s where we filter what comes in and what we allow to be entertained in our heart, mind and life, it’s where we remind ourselves of our testimonies, steward our prophecies and embrace His promises.
Influence is our OUT….. It is our doing, our going, our action, our risk, it’s our applying and our responding, it’s what is seen, it’s what comes out, it’s our loving without an agenda, it’s our releasing the Kingdom everywhere we go, it’s our telling people about Jesus, it’s our
praying and our prophesying, it’s our relationships and connections with people, it’s our
encouragement, it’s our walking in the fruits of the spirit, moving in the gifts of the spirit, ministering to people and ministering in power, it’s our stepping out in love and faith, it’s
our adding truth and life to the conversations we have, it’s us being involved and invested
in people’s lives regardless of what they believe, it’s our serving, our blessing, our
encouraging, it’s our time, our effort, and our sacrifice, it’s us living out what we talk about, it’s us knowing who we truly are and then intentionally living it out, it’s us impacting
culture and seeing cities transformed.
These are the specific activities we
put in place to help bring our How to life.
Teaching &
& Support
Worship, Prayer
& Transformation