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Echo Church Melbourne

Love is our

highest goal

This is the foundation for everything we do. Love compels us, motivates us and empowers us to live out this beautiful Gospel that we have been given. Our heart is to continue to grow in love with God so we value and treat people the same way Jesus does.

God is

This is our anchor for every season in life, joy  and pain, victory and mess. God is a perfect  Father who loves and approves of us before we do anything. Being aware of His constant  goodness and grace, causes us to encounter  His true nature and become transformed. 

Living a life

of worship

God has designed every person to connect and experience Him, so we prioritise and pursue His presence. We place a high value on worshiping Him through song and other expressions both individually and corporately.



We believe in the finished work of the Cross and that Jesus has redeemed, restored and transformed us, body, soul and spirit. Full victory in our lives is not only possible but expected. We are also aware this truth needs to be intentionally embraced and outworked so that it would become a present day reality in our lives.   

God is always


God speaks and has given us the ability to hear Him. Whatever the season or situation, we know He speaks to us and for others  because it is His heart to always be present and involved.   

Healthy families

and relationships

The structure of Heaven is family; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are created to do life with other people. So we are passionate about pursuing authentic connection with one another, as we aim to live in healthy, honouring and loving relationships. 

Nothing is


We now live from Heaven’s perspective, which has changed how we see and deal with every situation. It is now normal and necessary for us to move in power and for signs, wonders and miracles to be evident through our lives.   

God's Kingdom is advancing and is being ourworked through the church

As a Church we have the amazing privilege of putting Jesus on display, to see our culture and society transformed. We are excited, passionate and committed to seeing every part of our Church represent Him really well.

Sunday's at 10AM
50 Tootal Rd. Dingley Village


Part of Australian
Christian Churches

Echo Church

Connected with
Bethel Church

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