Creche & Kids
We are passionate about creating a safe, healthy and well organized environment which facilitates children truly encountering God. The Bible does not talk about a junior Holy Spirit so we do not want to limit what He can do in and through our Children. Our heart is to see the vision and core beliefs of the church taught, learnt and applied not only on Sunday mornings during Kids Church but also when they go home and at School. We want to train up powerful revivalists who know Jesus personally and deeply and who are confident why He created them and who He created them to be.
So although non-stop fun and joy, games and crafts, running around, friendships and just being kids is crucial and will never stop, we are also aware that helping these little ones learn about God’s nature and then experience His love and presence is a great responsibility.
Our dream is that these children would have deep personal encounters with God’s love and presence, that they would know the Bible, and that they would walk in power.
Meets: Every Sunday morning.
As required in Victoria, all of our amazing (Echo Creche / Echo Kids Church’s / Echo Youth) team hold a current Working with Children’s Check and have been trained to ensure they are well equipped to care for our children.
Echo Church belongs to the Australian Christian Churches and therefore operate all our activities in accordance with the ACC Child Safety Policy